Brady Garvin

Open all errors
"The ability to treat object kinds as values."
ni In Chapter "Operations on Object Kinds" in the extension Object Kinds by Brady

In 'Include (- [ object_kind_is_valid kind; re [...] <= (+ the last
object kind +); ]; -)' object
kinds by brady garvin, you tried to use '(+' and '+)' to expand to a value
computed by a phrase, 'the last object kind', but these brackets can only
be used with constant values.
Scopability by Brady GarvinVersion 1/210620
"The ability to toggle objects' scopability; the parser does not acknowledge the existence of unscopable objects, even if they are explicitly added to scope."
ni In Chapter "Parser Changes to Honor Scopability" in the extension Scopability
by Brady Garvin:

You wrote 'Include (- [ DoScopeAction item; ! BEGIN CHA [...] pe_reason;
@pull parser_one; ]; -) instead of "DoScopeAction" in "Parser.i6t"' scopability by brady
garvin: but this syntax was withdrawn in April
2022, in favour of a more finely controlled inclusion command. See the
manual, but you can probably get what you want using 'replacing
"SomeFunctionName".' rather than 'instead of ...'.